- 2024-07-22 21:57 74
- 产品价格:32.00元/
- 品牌:地址:江苏 南京市
- 编号:12918企业:南京谱时睿商贸有限公司
王泽(先生) 销售经理025-58118286 (联系我请说明是在推介网看到的信息)
- 进入店铺 在线咨询
- 信息举报
意大利Brevetti拖链 SR475 意大利
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- 产品描述
select the right product easily and ,
have it delivered fast and timely wherever theyneed
obtain around-the-clock assistance everywhere throughout the wholeworking lifetime of the product, and beyond.
Brevetti Stendalto is aware that an adequate organisation andcustomer-oriented personnel are essential to meet suchrequests.Continuous improvement is therefore one of the company’s maingoals.
Brevetti Stendalto
Everyyear, Brevetti Stendalto invests a big part of the revenues inresearch, development, and process innovation. New solutionsimprove product characteristics and performance. The company isalways state of the art and able to satisfy the needs of anincreasingly demanding market.Our standard products provide the highest performances comparedwith competing products, and are developed on the world’sgreatest technical expertise.
Our customers know they will find a complete range of products atBrevetti Stendalto, including nylon and steel cable chains,sheaths, cables and connectors, as well as comprehensive turnkeysolutions like “TotalChain”.
BrevettiStendalto is available to support customers with experiencedspecialists, customizable products and dedicated engineering,whenever a need for a cable chain solution reaches beyond the rangeof standard products.Our chains are used in unique industrial applications: fromaerospace to energy, from medical appliances to waste treatment,from cranes to offshore rigs.
Customers often need customised products in order to find theperfect match to their e With more than forty years ofexperience treasured within us, we are capable of designingtailor-made solutions and integrate with our customers in allproject phases.
Itis not enough to supply a product. Our customers request tools fromus, so they can
Total customer satisfaction is Brevetti Stendalto’s highestpride.
所属分类:机床 / 机床附件
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